Intercontinental Bank PLC

This post is in reward to my bank (Intercontinental Bank PLC) for being a worthy service to me and its other customers.

Intercontinental Bank PLC, Nigeria, has been and is an epitome of excellence. Right from the door, you are welcome like a king and while inside, you are treated with respect. They do not base their respect on the value of money in your account. Everyone is treated with love and equity.

I must also commend Intercontinental Bank Plc for their innovation drive and also, because they do not believe in being second best. They always aim for the best, and we as shareholders and customers of the bank are living testimonies to that. As a student, the launch of the new Intercontinental Bank Prepaid MasterCard has made me register my presence on the internet without stress. Now I can shop online genuinely just like my foreign counterparts who had this monopoly for a long time now. I now also check my account statements online and confirm payments without needing to go to the bank premises, thanks to Intercontinental Bank’s INTERNET BANKING SERVICE.

I must also commend the Customer Service of Intercontinental Bank PLC, you guys are the best, both in customer interaction, quick and efficient replying of emails, telephone assistance and all, you guys rock.

Intercontinental Bank PLC has this slogan “HAPPY CUSTOMER, HAPPY BANK”, and I strongly lay my stamp of approval on it, because IT IS TRUE.

I am an account holder of Intercontinental Bank Plc (Nigeria) and I always cherish the day I opened an account in the bank.

You guys are great!!!

1st posted by me 2years ago on my previous blog @ TIG

Eta E. Uso


  1. Nefertiti Aquah8:18 PM

    Wow!!! Banks in Nigeria are really stepping up. Good job to them. I remember when I used to be leery of having an account in Nigeria for fear of it going under like Savannah Bank or Mercantile Bank. But I got an account in Citizen Bank which served me nicely until I left Nigeria in 2004. Is Citizen Bank still existing?

  2. @ Neferiti - Yes dear...the banks are really stepping up and some like Intercontinental Bank have stepped up already. Yea, Citizen's bank was taken over by Spring Bank some years ago during the consolidation exercise and recently, Bank PHB has taken over Spring Bank too...what a

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

  4. @ Anonymous - Thanks for your comment. Actually, I am the writer of all the articles you see on this site.


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