This is straight from my Heart. Reason for This: THE RECENT LISTING OF NIGERIA AS A TERRORIST NATION. It breaks my heart that this should be happening to Nigeria and also, the scenario in the country as at today, even makes it worse because it is a case of a Body (The Nation) in crises without the Head (The President) to stir things in the right path. It pains me from the deepest of my heart that this is happening at a time when our Leader and No.1 citizen of our Nation is away due to medical reasons and not on ground to handle this. I know that Nigeria has many vices that should give every Nigerian a reason to be perpetually sad, but however, we all know that Life must go on and that is why I personally refused to be saddened about all the happenings in the Country. However, this case of Nigeria now listed as a terrorist Nation has broken the camel’s back and I am deeply saddened by this. I do not want to shed tears for my beloved Nigeria. All I do, and will keep doing is ...