Three weeks ago, out of boredom, I decided to go online. After checking my mails and checking out if I had any new alerts in my Facebook and MySpace accounts , I came across this horoscope website by Jenna. I was browsing over the testimonials on how gifted she was in foreseeing events in the future. After all the great reviews of Jenna's clients, I decided to give it a try so I signed up for an initial reading of my "stars". Three days after, I received an email from Jenna herself. The email surprised me. In a way everything she said was "somehow" true. I however decided to research more about Jenna and her website I was more surprised with what I have found out about her. She was a fraud. Her site does free astrology reading but you have to pay $60 to her by credit card in order for her to continue with the readings and if you delay, she will reduce it to $45. There were alot of reports from her clients that after paying, they recei...
Not everyone starts off easy. Not everyone has it all laid out for them. However, that you did not or do not have it all laid out for you, does not mean you have to achieve less or remain incapacitated. Truth is, soaring in life is often times akin to riding a bicycle. For those of us who are familiar with bicycles, we know that to really get going, you have to gather momentum. Same applies to life. Even water understands that to really get going, all it needs is perseverance till it breaks through the rock, and after that, it flows so freely and beautifully and is simply unstoppable. What do you desire today? Perseverance is a trait of champions!
Word for Today: Don't feel bad or dampened. Neither should you seek to respond to enmity. Lest you didn't know or may have forgotten; Enmity was what promoted Joseph. Enmity promoted Daniel. Enmity has been the propeller to sucess of many than love from friends. Why is this so? Remember, GOD is the judge of the whole universe. He sees it all. Thus, most often than not, you are promoted not for what you did, but rather, you are promoted because of what was done to you. When the enemy executes evil plans against you, our GOD, the judge of the whole universe, looks upon your case and executes judgement on your behalf. And for every judgement, there is a punishment and a compensation. Those who leave vengeance to the Lord will always be compensated. If our earthly judges can grant tasty compensations on earthly cases, how much more the Judge of the whole universe!!! Remain blessed. Shalom.
Beautiful Nigeria