Inec's Voters Registration: My Personal Experience

I finally got registered today, the 2nd of February, 2011 at a primary school not far from where I live.

I got out of the house at 10:30am just after getting set for my daily activities. I got to the registration point at about 10:35am. Fortunately, everyone in my area seemed to have registered before the 29th of January, 2011 which was the initial date the voters’ registration exercise was to end.

Therefore, as I got to the registration desk, there was no-one except for the INEC staff on duty. We exchanged greetings and I told her I came to register. She then put on the UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) and laptop computer, then she logged in and everything was set. I was asked to squat in-front of the camera for my face-capture as there was no chair. However, my face was captured and then my 10 (ten) fingerprints were also captured without any hassles except for my index left-finger which had to be thumb-printed twice before the machine accepted it.

In all, the whole registration period from the time my face was captured till the whole process was completed took less than 3 (three) minutes. Nonetheless, my card was not printed immediately as I was asked to return later for it as the lady in charge said she had issues with the printer.

Finally, the process was done and I am now ready to cast my vote in favour of selfless leaders at the April 2011 elections.

Ensure you ‘Register to Vote’.



  1. You are doing a great work. I love it. Keep it up!!!

  2. @ Anonymous - Thanks alot, God bless you.

  3. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Great article, just what I needed.


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