Three weeks ago, out of boredom, I decided to go online. After checking my mails and checking out if I had any new alerts in my Facebook and MySpace accounts , I came across this horoscope website by Jenna. I was browsing over the testimonials on how gifted she was in foreseeing events in the future. After all the great reviews of Jenna's clients, I decided to give it a try so I signed up for an initial reading of my "stars". Three days after, I received an email from Jenna herself. The email surprised me. In a way everything she said was "somehow" true. I however decided to research more about Jenna and her website I was more surprised with what I have found out about her. She was a fraud. Her site does free astrology reading but you have to pay $60 to her by credit card in order for her to continue with the readings and if you delay, she will reduce it to $45. There were alot of reports from her clients that after paying, they recei...
True Blue. Same here though not yet registered.